Best Alcohol For No Hangover

Best Alcohol For No Hangover

Everybody enjoy a night out with the boys or with your girl friends. But none of us enjoy having the dreaded hangover. It can be quite a feat to get yourself up in the morning when you feel your head pounding and the roiling of your gut.

But what if we told you that there are a few types of alcoholic beverages that you can enjoy without the looming threat of having a hangover the next day? Well, there are some existing drinks like this that you should be able to enjoy, get drunk on and avoid a hangover.

Should you drink to avoid a hangover? Well, let’s dive right in and get started!

What Causes a Hangover?

Hangovers are terrible, that much is clear. But what actually causes them? Well, the consumption of alcohol can cause a lot of issues in the human body and that is what we are going to talk about in this section.

Drinking alcohol affects your body in a variety of ways, some of which we have listed below:


Firstly, alcohol can cause you to become dehydrated. This is largely due to the fact that alcohol is a diuretic. This means that you will need to pee far more often than usual.

As such you will lose a lot more fluid than normal. This can cause you to become dehydrated. But on top of that alcohol can release a hormone called vasopressin which creates an imbalance in your body’s store of fluids.

Electrolyte Imbalance 

In order to function properly your body is going to need a special chemical called electrolytes. By peeing a lot more than usual your body’s level of electrolytes will not be balanced.

Gastrointestinal Issues 

Alcohol is an irritant and when you drink it your intestines will become irritated. This slows your body’s ability to digest which can in turn increase the fatty substances in your liver, stomach and pancreas.


Alcohol will increase inflammation across your body. These side effects generally make you feel unwell when you are hung over.

Low Blood Sugar 

You can get low blood sugar by consuming alcohol. This is especially an issue for those of you that have an alcohol use disorder. While your body processes alcohol it can produce lactic acid which in turn lowers your blood sugar.

Sleep Disruption 

Alcohol is a sedative and as such you can become quite sleepy. But when you have a hangover you may find that you cannot sleep very well. This happens as long as your blood alcohol levels are high.

Alcohol can cause terrible side effects, and affects the human body in a variety of different ways. So, make sure to consider that if you are going to consume copious amounts of alcohol.

Types of Alcohol that Don’t Often Cause Hangovers?

If you want to go out drinking with your friends and do not want a hangover, then there are a few types of alcohol that will likely be perfect for you. In this section we are going to take a closer look at what kinds of alcohol are less likely to make you experience a hangover.

So, without further ado, let us dive right in and get started!



If you are keen to avoid the terrible ailment that is a hangover, then you should certainly stick to drinking vodka. This alcohol will get you drunk while also helping you to avoid getting a hangover.

This is because it contains only about 40% of alcohol which is mixed with water and very few other ingredients. It is for this very reason that hangovers are less likely to happen when you are drinking this particular variety of alcohol.

Drinking straight vodka at your local bar or purchasing expensive drinks can cost you a lot of money. But you can make your own delicious vodka drinks at home without any issue at all. There are loads of great cocktail drinks out there for you to peruse.

To get you started, we have found a few for you to check out at your leisure: 

There are a plethora of fun ways to enjoy vodka. These five recipes barely scratch the surface, so make sure to dig a little deeper if you want to make some fun drinks for your friends when they come around.



Because gin does not contain a variety of other ingredients, it is much like vodka and will not get you too drunk when you imbibe. This type of alcohol is ideal for those of you that want to enjoy a drink that packs a punch and does not cause adverse side effects.

Throw a little tonic and lime into the mix and you have a delightful low calorie beverage that is sure to strike your fancy.

While gin may not give you a hangover, it can be a little dull to drink. On top of that, ordering a gin cocktail at a bar can quickly make you poor. Alternatively, you may be hosting a party and need to make a tasty gin cocktail that you can make for your friends.

To get you started, we have found a few for you to check out at your leisure: 

There are a plethora of fun ways to enjoy gin. These five recipes barely scratch the surface, so make sure to dig a little deeper if you want to make some fun drinks for your friends when they come around.

Light Beer


If you are going to drink alcohol without getting a hangover, then you may want to consider drinking light beer. Avoid dark beer if you can as it will likely give you a terrible hangover the next day.

So if you fancy a beer but don’t want a hangover, then make sure you drink only light beer. You will certainly thank yourself later for making this choice.

Beer is tasty without adding any bells and whistles. But you can actually enjoy this kind of alcoholic beverage as a cocktail.  This might be a great way to serve your friends a delicious drink while still sparing them a terrible hangover.

To get you started, we have found a few for you to check out at your leisure: 

There are a plethora of fun ways to enjoy light beer. These five recipes barely scratch the surface so make sure to dig a little deeper if you want to make some fun drinks for your friends when they come around.

White Wine


If you enjoy wine then you may want to drink white wine to avoid hangovers. It may not be a fancy drink but it certainly is a classic.

The reason why you should avoid drinking red wine is because it contains histamines which can cause people to experience quite bad hangovers. Especially for those of you that have allergies.

To get you started we have found a few for you to check out at your leisure: 

There are a plethora of fun ways to enjoy white wine. These five recipes barely scratch the surface so make sure to dig a little deeper if you want to make some fun drinks for your friends when they come around.

What Are The Side Effects Of A Hangover?

Hangovers are not fun. They leave you feeling so much worse than you could imagine. But what are the actual side effects and potential side effects? Well, that is what we are going to talk about in this section.

Below we have listed the potential side effects of a hangover: 

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability.
  • Disturbed Sleep.
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness.
  • Headache
  • Red Eyes
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Sound Sensitivity
  • Increased Pulse
  • Blood Pressure
  • Rapid Heartbeat.
  • Muscle Aches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach Pain.
  • Sweating
  • Thirst
  • Tremors

On top of issues like this you may also find that you have issues with concentrating and remembering what happened the night before.

How severe your symptoms are is entirely dependent on what you have been drinking, how much you have been drinking and if you have eaten anything before you have drunk.

Things to Keep in Mind to Stay Hangover Free 

If you enjoy your booze but want to avoid suffering a hangover the day after your night out then there are a few things you can keep in mind to avoid the repercussions of drinking.

Below are a few things that you need to keep in mind if you want to enjoy your booze and not have a terrible hangover as a result of imbibing alcohol.

So, without further ado, let us dive right in and get started!

Stick to Clear Liquids

If you want to have a hangover free morning after a rambunctious night out then you really need to stick to the clear liquids. Avoid brown liquids like rum and whiskey as they are likely to leave you wishing you have never gone out the night before.

Avoid Carbonated Alcohol

If you want to ensure that you are not suffering a terrible hangover after drinking then you need to make sure to avoid any beverages that are carbonated.

This means that you need to avoid drinks like champagne, Four Lokos, Red Bull vodka and other similar carbonated drinks.

The reason that it is so important to avoid these bubbly alcoholic beverages is because it can increase your rate of alcohol absorption. This in turn will mean that you are going to be puking your guts up the next day.

Steer Clear of Dark Alcohol

In general, it is best to steer clear of dark alcohol if you want to avoid a hangover. The darker your drink the worse your hangover will be.

Even certified nutritionists have done studies which indicate that lighter drinks cause far less side effects. By choosing a white wine, light beer or other similar light drinks you are less likely to experience a hangover the next day.

Try Low Alcohol Wines

It has been suggested by many cynosures of wine that low alcohol wines or white wines are less likely to give you a terrible hangover.

For this reason you really need to make sure that you stick to white wine or low alcohol wines. Either way, by doing this you are less likely to have a bad hangover.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Food

If you have time it is recommended that you have a meal before you go out drinking and of course while you are out you should enjoy lots of water. By doing this you can avoid a terrible hangover. Or at least reduce the risk of it happening.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before you purchase any of these delicious alcoholic brands, there are likely a few things that you need to know before you do so. In this section we are going to answer some of your most frequently asked questions on the topic.

So, without further ado, let us dive right in and start answering your questions!

How Bad is a Whiskey Hangover?

Whiskey hangovers can get pretty intense. If you drink too much of this alcohol in particular you will experience the usual hangover symptoms. These may include headaches, nausea, aching belly, bad sense of taste, extreme thirst, light sensitivity and of course a guilty conscience.

Why Does Gin Not Give You Bad Hangovers?

If you want to avoid hangovers but you like drinking with your friends then you need to stick to gin or vodka. These two alcohols have been proven to not cause hangovers.

The reason for this phenomenon is because both lack the dehydration-causing additives that most other alcohols contain.

What happens During a Hangover?

When alcohol enters the stomach it will increase the production of stomach acid. This can reduce the stomach’s ability to empty. When this happens, you may experience abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea.

The alcohol can also cause your blood sugar to fall. As it dips, you can start to feel weak and fatigued. You may even start to feel shaky and in extreme cases there may even be seizures.

Do Hangovers Damage Your Body?

Not necessarily. You are likely to suffer the temporary side effects of hangovers. This may include a light stomach, and severe nausea.

Experiencing hangovers on occasion might be alright for your body, but if you regularly have hangovers then you may start to develop some rather nasty permanent side effects. For example, you may develop ulcers in the intestines as there will be a lot of acid in the intestines.

When Does a Hangover Peak?

Hangovers tend to reach their peak when your BAC reverts back to zero. This will usually happen about twelve hours after you have had your drink.

BAC stands for blood alcohol content. So, essentially, when the blood leaves your system and you go back to a normal state, you are likely to feel the effects of a hangover peak.

What Cures Hangovers Fast?

There are many hangover remedies out there. Below we have listed several of the most popular hangover remedies out there: 

  • Hair of the dog
  • Drink fluids
  • Get some carbohydrates into your system
  • Avoid darker-colored alcoholic beverages
  • Take a pain reliever, but not Tylenol
  • Drink coffee or tea
  • B vitamins and zinc.

Bear in mind that not all of these remedies will work for everyone. So, through trial and error, you may find something that will work for you should you get a terrible hangover.

Is Drinking on a Hangover Good?

Some find that drinking on a hangover makes you feel better for a little while. But many studies have found that by drinking while on a hangover merely prolongs the symptoms you are experiencing.

Some scientists have even found that when this happens it can create an alcohol dependence which in turn leads to an addiction.

Final Thoughts 

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about these delicious alcoholic beverages which are less likely to cause hangovers.

Which one you find to be the best will be entirely dependent on what you prefer as a person. If there are some that you have not tried then you will have to make sure to check them out when you get the chance. You are bound to find one that will suit your liking.

With all of that said, we hope that you have a fantastic day. You will surely find something that suits your tastes. Good luck for your perfect alcohol that does not cause hangovers! Goodbye for now!

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