Does Tequila Go Bad (1)

Does Tequila Go Bad?

Tequila is a popular alcoholic beverage, loved by countless people all over the world. As such, there are numerous ways that this firm favorite can be consumed and enjoyed – a fact that makes it one of the best liquors for mixology and the art of cocktail making.

Many might not think that liquor like tequila can go bad like other consumables, and in this guide we will examine in closer detail just whether it can go bad or not, and what signs might be good to watch out for.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What Is Tequila?

Tequila is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation and distillation of agave – that is, a widely found substance in cactuses and other succulents.

The most notable is the blue agave plant – a widely utilized plant found throughout Mexico, specifically surrounding the city of Tequila, located 65 km northwest of Guadalajara.

When Can Tequila Go Bad?

Despite being an unlikely occurrence – due to its nature as a distilled alcoholic spirit – tequila can actually go bad, and as such, there are certain circumstances wherein this can occur.

Improper Storage

This is the most notable way that tequila can go bad, and as with most spirits and liquors, proper storage is paramount for longevity.

This means keeping it away from sources of direct heat and light – such as the sun – and ensuring that it never exceeds temperatures of 65 degrees fahrenheit. Opt for a dry, shaded spot in your home – such as a cupboard – to ensure the best lifespan from your tequila.

Breaking The Seal

Tequila can practically last forever while it is still sealed, but as soon as the protective seal is broken and the liquid has been exposed to oxygen, it is best to consume within the specified consumption window.

That being said, drinking opened tequila probably won’t cause any discomfort or undue harm – the taste might just not be as crisp and sharp as you want from a good quality tequila.

Does Tequila Go Bad (2)

How To Tell If Tequila Has Gone Bad?

While tequila going bad is quite unlikely, there are certain signs if this does occur – and these are best to learn and take note of if you fancy yourself a tequila aficionado (see also ‘Does Grenadine Go Bad?’).


Most brands of tequila have a distinct taste and aroma that has become synonymous with this alcoholic genre. When the oxygen reaches the liquid, the clock starts ticking, and after a period of time, the taste of the tequila will go bland, boring, and simply bad.

This is one of the most prominent telltale signs of bad tequila, and will become instantly noticeable – especially if the brand in question is one that you know and love.


Evaporation can also be a problem, which is why it is best to properly store tequila. When tequila evaporates, the alcohol is the first thing to go. This means that opened, evaporated tequila will taste weaker and weaker over time – losing the alcohol content and the characteristic potency.

The Color

If tequila has become oxidized, then the natural clear/amber color of the liquid will have turned to a hazy, darker brown color.

If this is the case, then you can safely assume that the tequila has gone bad, and is unfit for consumption.

The Smell

As with the taste, tequila has a very specific odor, and any changes to this could indicate a change in the overall quality.

The smell test is good for most consumable items, and tequila is no different. After all, if something smells unappealing, then it will probably taste the same way.

How Does Tequila Last So Long?

Despite these facts though, tequila going bad is still highly unlikely, and properly cared for tequila can last near indefinitely. But how exactly does tequila last so long, even amongst other spirits?

High Alcohol Content

One of the main reasons for tequila being able to last so long is that it has such a high alcohol content. As with most spirits and liquors, this means that bacteria has a harder time forming within the liquid, allowing for it to remain consumable and good for much longer than other forms of alcohol.


Another factor is that, once in the bottle, tequila does not age like other alcoholic beverages – such as wine.

This means that it remains at a constant level of perfection, and is free from any of the unknown properties that aging can bring to alcohol.

Can Bad Tequila Make You Sick?

While drinking anything ‘bad’ will lead to unpleasantness, you will certainly not become sick in the same way that perishable food and beverages would make you.

The most that will likely happen is that you will have a bad experience drinking the tequila – that is, it will not taste or smell particularly appealing, and will probably have a depreciated alcohol content.

Can You Freeze Tequila?

While you may think that freezing tequila will make it last longer – especially in hot environments – this is not the case, and freezing any alcoholic spirit is not advised if you want to keep it suitable for drinking.

This is because the freezing process alters the vital components of alcohol, making it weaker, and diffusing all of the specific fragrances and ingredients so that the whole thing will taste weaker.

Final Thoughts

And there we have it, everything you need to know about tequila, and whether or not it can go bad.

Tequila is a popular drink, loved by countless millions all around the world, and as such there are numerous ways it can be consumed and enjoyed. But to truly enjoy good tequila, it is important to know when it is good, and when it simply isn’t.

So if you want to know whether or not tequila can go bad, then why not check out this handy guide? Something tells me you won’t be disappointed!

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