About Distillery Nearby
Join the distillery movement
Distillery Nearby is your one-stop-shop for all things craft spirits and distilling. This is a website for both consumers and distillers; a place where you can promote your brand, learn more about different spirits, find cocktail recipes, and discover local distilleries nearby you – all in one place.
Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to bring distillers and consumers together to promote the craft distilling scene on a local level. By offering cocktail and spirit information for consumers and a place for advertising for distillers, we can bring these two groups together on one platform so they can discover each other more easily.
Our vision is for distilleries to easily promote their products, spirits, and experiences on a budget to our growing audience. We offer distillery listings for only a dollar per day so that you can get more exposure for your brand without blowing your marketing budget.
In 2020, we were trying to plan a vacation with distillery tours. We were searching for an easy way to discover local craft distilleries – and we couldn’t find anything. So, after our vacation, we decided to jump into the market and make it happen.
We are originally from Minnesota so we began with MinnesotaDistillery.com for market research. We quickly rose to the ranks of search engines and attracted thousands of readers quickly! We knew we had to do more so, we did-
After a considerable amount of research, we discovered that the search term “distilleries near me” was a highly-searched query and there weren’t good results for people searching for distillery experiences by state. We used this information to build our brand model, and found the right plugins to bring all of the United States distilleries into an easy-to-research format.
It took some time for development, but in October 2022 Distillery Nearby hit the search engines, and we’ve seen massive growth since then; it’s obvious that we are filling this void in the distillery market online. In 2023, our site received over sixty thousand visitors, and we’re still growing, posting more content every week.
As we continue to grow we merged DistilleryGuild.com into our site and will continue to integrate the two domains into one website.
We encourage you to become part of the craft distilling movement, whether you’re a consumer or a distiller. You can support distilleries near you in a number of ways, all of which are appreciated both by the businesses and by your local economy.
Why Support Local, Craft Distilleries?
Why should you choose to support local distilleries over the big-name brands? It might be easier to pick up big-brand bottles at the supermarket, but when you buy from craft distillers, you:
Help local distilleries grow by purchasing and reviewing their products. Over 90% of customers look at reviews before making a purchase! Your review is important.
Keep your hard-earned dollars in your local economy by purchasing local, craft spirits. Local farmers, delivery drivers, bartenders, and economies depend on successful commerce- drink local, keep the funds local!
By researching, reviewing, and purchasing craft spirits, you’re supporting craft spirits! Talk about a fun way to make a difference- local spirits, craft cocktails, distillery tours, and social outings or spirit tastings. Find it all on DistilleryNearby.com
Own a Craft distillery? List it Today!
We have lots of fun cocktail recipes, distillery reviews and spotlights, and product reviews that bring consumers to our site – consumers that can discover and review your distillery. Our traffic means that Distillery Nearby is a great place to advertise your local craft distillery for only about a dollar a day!
Our website is two-fold. As the craft distillery scene is relatively new in the United States we wanted to reach consumers and distillers and provide equal value. So our research project began with MinnesotaDistillery.com to monitor the local industry for one year.
After our first year of discovery we had reached 14,000 visitors to MinnesotaDistillery.com. DistilleryNearby.com became our primary domain because our first year showed over 90,000 monthly google searches looking for “distilleries near me!”
DistilleryGuild.com is our secondary domain. Our research has found many states not having a distillery specific guild, have a guild with volunteers who have very few hours to commit, few dollars to invest into promoting local spirits and the distillery scene, or the background in marketing to reach a greater audience.
We appeal to both distilleries and enthusiasts alike with this approach and we are very happy to be part of your successful journey-