Gin Is Often Called the ‘Healthiest’ Alcohol. Here’s Why

What if you could experience multiple health benefits while also enjoying a delicious cocktail? Choosing a healthy alcohol can allow you to make healthy lifestyle changes without giving up drinking. That way, you can still enjoy going to events, hanging out with friends, or drinking a cocktail at happy hour. Gin’s health benefits are varied […]

15 Iconic Cocktails You Can Make with Gin

Gin can trace its origins back to the 11th century, and its popularity continues to grow today, making it a favorite for a variety of iconic cocktails. The distinctive gin flavor you are accustomed to comes from the juniper berry. Gin is a distilled alcoholic drink loved by people worldwide.  Initially a medicinal liquor, it […]

Does Gin Go Bad (1)

Does Gin Go Bad?

Gin, like all hard liquors, has an impressive shelf life. However, it does still have a limit, and you should know what that is! Everything will eventually deteriorate, and if you want to have the best experience possible, you should know the ins and outs of your favorite drinks. In this article, we will go […]

What Does Gin Taste Like (1)

What Does Gin Taste Like?

Historically, gin was one of the most overlooked spirits, but in recent years it has grown in popularity and has now become a popular alcoholic spirit to mix into cocktails. This “gin boom” means more and more people are choosing to embrace gin and its many varieties. If you’re new to gin and want to […]

Are Vodka and Gin the Same?

Vodka or Gin: What’s the difference? Vodka and gin are two of the most well known spirits in the world. They’re often substituted for one another in famous cocktails, and even cut from the same cloth (well, distilled similarly I should say). If they’re so alike, why not just call them one name? Let’s break […]

Is Gin Gluten Free (1)

Is Gin Gluten Free?

Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are on the rise, and attention is becoming focused on the variety of food and beverage options available to those who are forced to remove or avoid key elements within their diet. People with sensitivities need to avoid grains such as wheat and rye, containing gluten, to manage their condition, […]

Gin, Are There Health Benefits?

Gin is no Sin. Let’s face it, there’s always a reason to drink. From special occasions, to casual nights out with friends or loved ones. We’ve even heard old adages like “a glass a day” for health benefits when it comes to drinking wine, but certainly this isn’t exclusive to the red stuff, right? Today […]

Best Gin For Negroni

Best Gin For Negroni

There are plenty of great cocktails to choose from out there, each with their own refreshing ingredients and unique tastes, but most people would agree that the Negroni is one of the very best. This Italian classic is a perfect balance of flavors, bitter but balanced out with certain ingredients to give it hints of […]

How Many Carbs in Gin?

How Many Carbs In Gin?

When we think of dieting, we often think of deprivation. We’re often told that to diet effectively, we need to cut out ALL the things we enjoy, but honestly, it’s not true. Sure, you may need to eat and drink your favorite sugary, carb-loaded snacks in moderation, but there’s no need to eliminate them entirely. […]