Sustainable Distilleries: Exploring Eco-Friendly Practices in Local, Craft Distilleries

In an era when environmental consciousness is incredibly important, industries across the United States are adapting to sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint. Distilleries, which produce some of the world’s most beloved spirits, are no exception, either. Many distilleries across the United States are embracing eco-friendly practices, recognizing that sustainable production is not only a moral obligation but also good for business. 

Today, we’re going to cover some innovative ways in which distilleries are prioritizing sustainability. We’ll also give you a list of some eco-friendly distilleries you can support with your hard-earned dollars. Let’s get started.

Why Is It Important for Distilleries (& You) to Consider Sustainability?

In recent years, this topic has become a focus for every industry. And, it’s a good thing! Here are a couple of reasons why sustainability matters so much for the distilling industry:

Social & Ecological Responsibility

The production of alcoholic beverages inherently involves the utilization of resources, such as energy and water, which, when mismanaged, can place undue strain on the environment. By embracing sustainability, distilleries can mitigate these impacts and contribute to the larger effort to combat climate change and resource depletion.

Improved Business Impact

Plus, many businesses find that sustainability is not just a moral obligation but also a strategic business decision. Consumers are increasingly making choices based on ethical and environmental considerations. Put simply, distilleries that adopt sustainable practices tap into a burgeoning market of eco-conscious consumers. 

Cost Improvements and Greater Efficiency

Furthermore, sustainable practices often lead to cost reductions. This is because efficiency improvements translate to direct financial benefits. Sustainability, then, serves as a bridge between environmental responsibility and economic viability. This is another big part of the reason why we’re seeing a shift towards sustainable distilleries nationwide.

What Are Some Ways That Craft Distilleries Can Be More Eco-Friendly?

#1: Green Energy Sources:

The first step towards sustainability in distilleries is to transition to green energy sources. Many distilleries are investing in solar panels, wind turbines, and biomass energy systems to power their operations. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, they cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. 

Additionally, some distilleries have implemented energy-efficient technologies to reduce consumption. This not only reduces their environmental impact but also lowers operational costs.

#2: Efficient Water Usage:

Water is a critical component in the distillation process, and eco-friendly distilleries prefer to use  this resource efficiently. By implementing water recycling systems, they can minimize water wastage. Some are also exploring rainwater harvesting, which not only reduces their water consumption but also decreases their reliance on municipal sources.

#3: Sustainable Sourcing of Ingredients:

Sustainability in distilleries goes beyond the production process. Many distilleries are committed to sourcing their ingredients sustainably. This includes using organic grains, supporting local farmers, and ensuring that their raw materials are ethically and responsibly produced. By doing so, distilleries can support sustainable agriculture and protect ecosystems.

#4: Repurposing Byproducts:

The production of spirits generates various byproducts, including spent grains and wastewater. Instead of discarding these materials, many distilleries have found innovative ways to repurpose them. For instance, spent grains can be used as animal feed, and wastewater can be treated and returned to local water bodies safely.

#5: Eco-Friendly Packaging:

Distilleries are also turning their attention to the packaging of their products. Many are opting for eco-friendly materials, such as recycled glass bottles and biodegradable labels. Some distilleries have even eliminated plastic straws and stirrers in their cocktail bars and tasting rooms.

#6: Promoting Biodiversity:

Sustainability in distilleries extends to the surrounding environment. Some distilleries are actively involved in conservation efforts. They may dedicate a portion of their land to wildlife habitats, plant native trees, or work to protect local ecosystems. This not only enhances biodiversity but also supports the overall health of the region.

#7: Education and Outreach:

Many distilleries are committed to raising awareness about sustainability. They offer tours and educational programs that highlight their eco-friendly practices, inspiring visitors to embrace similar practices in their own lives. By fostering a sense of environmental responsibility, these distilleries are contributing to a broader culture of sustainability.

#8: Certifications and Awards:

To demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, many distilleries seek third-party certifications, such as organic or Fair Trade labels. They also participate in industry-specific awards programs that recognize environmentally responsible practices. These accolades not only reflect their dedication to sustainability but also provide a marketing advantage in a competitive industry.

What Are Some Ways You Can Support Sustainable Distilleries and Eco-Friendly Distilling Practices?

Supporting sustainable distilleries and eco-friendly distilling practices is not only an opportunity to enjoy your favorite spirits guilt-free but also a way to promote environmental consciousness in the industry. Here are some ways you can actively contribute to the cause:

  1. Choose Sustainable Brands: Start by researching and choosing brands known for their commitment to sustainability. Look for certifications like organic, Fair Trade, or any other eco-friendly labels. Many distilleries openly share their environmental initiatives on their websites or product labels, making it easier for consumers to make informed choices.
  2. Visit Eco-Friendly Distilleries: When planning distillery tours or tastings, opt for those with a strong sustainability focus. Visiting such distilleries not only provides you with insights into their green practices but also supports their efforts by engaging in their eco-tourism initiatives.
  3. Reduce and Recycle Packaging: Be mindful of the packaging of your spirits. Look for brands that use recyclable or biodegradable materials. After enjoying your beverage, ensure that bottles, caps, and labels are properly recycled. Some distilleries have take-back programs where they reuse or recycle their own bottles.
  4. Conscious Consumption: Enjoy your spirits responsibly and in moderation. Avoid excessive consumption, which not only benefits your health but also minimizes the overall demand for distillation, consequently reducing the environmental footprint.
  5. Advocate for Change: As a consumer, your voice matters. Share your support for sustainable distilling practices with your friends and on social media. Encourage other distilleries to follow suit by expressing your preference for eco-friendly products and practices.
  6. Explore Sustainable Cocktails: When crafting cocktails at home, opt for ingredients that align with sustainability. Choose organic mixers, locally-sourced garnishes, and, when possible, spirits from sustainable distilleries. Reducing waste in cocktail preparation is another way to promote eco-friendliness.
  7. Learn and Educate: Educate yourself about the environmental impact of distilling and how sustainable practices are being implemented. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and by being informed, you can make choices that positively impact the industry. Additionally, you can share your knowledge with others to encourage collective awareness.
  8. Support Legislation: Stay informed about and support legislation that promotes sustainability in the spirits industry. Many regions have introduced regulations and incentives to encourage distilleries to adopt eco-friendly practices. By advocating for such measures, you can contribute to a more sustainable industry on a larger scale.
  9. Engage in Eco-Tourism: When visiting distilleries, participate in eco-tourism activities offered by these establishments. Engaging in tree planting, wildlife habitat restoration, or other sustainability initiatives can be a rewarding way to support their environmental efforts.

What to Look for in Sustainable Spirits Brands:

When seeking out sustainable spirits brands, it’s important to consider several key factors that indicate their commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical production. Here’s what to look for:

Certifications and Labels

One of the most straightforward ways to identify sustainable spirits is by checking for relevant certifications and labels. These may include “Organic,” “Fair Trade,” or any other eco-friendly certification that aligns with your values. These labels serve as tangible evidence of the brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Transparent Sourcing

Sustainable brands are often transparent about the sourcing of their ingredients. Look for spirits brands that provide information about the origins of their raw materials, and who prioritize local, organic, and ethically-sourced ingredients. Transparency about the entire production process is a good indicator of ethical practices.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Consider the packaging of the spirits. Sustainable brands often use eco-friendly materials for their bottles, labels, and packaging. Recycled glass bottles and biodegradable labels are increasingly common in the industry. Brands that make efforts to minimize packaging waste are worth supporting.

Energy and Water Efficiency

Research a brand’s commitment to energy and water efficiency. Distilleries that utilize renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, or have implemented energy-efficient technologies demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Similarly, those that focus on water conservation and responsible wastewater management are noteworthy.

Byproduct Utilization

A key aspect of sustainability is the responsible management of byproducts. Look for brands that have devised innovative ways to repurpose or recycle byproducts from the distillation process. This may include converting spent grains into animal feed or treating and recycling wastewater.

Local Community Engagement

Brands that support and engage with their local communities in a positive way often prioritize sustainability. Whether through community initiatives, job creation, or ethical business practices, a commitment to the community is a sign of ethical and responsible production.

Taste and Quality

Of course, the sustainability aspect should not compromise the taste and quality of the spirits. Look for brands that maintain high standards of taste and quality in their products, as it’s the combination of exceptional spirits and sustainability that truly makes a brand stand out.

Sustainable Distilleries Across America: Support Eco-Friendly Practices Right in Your Local Area

If you’re looking for some distilleries to support, right here in America, you have tons of options. Keep in mind that supporting distilleries in your local area is always the best option – this way, you can avoid the impacts of cross-country shipping. However, if you can’t find anything locally, here are some great options:

Grand Traverse Distillery

Grand Traverse Distillery stands out as a distillery with a strong commitment to sustainability. Located in Traverse City, Michigan, this distillery has made conscious efforts to reduce its environmental footprint while producing premium spirits.

One of the noteworthy sustainable practices of Grand Traverse Distillery is its commitment to using locally-sourced grains. By supporting local farmers, they not only ensure the quality and freshness of their ingredients but also reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Then, when they’ve finished with the grains, they are passed on to farmers to use in feed and compost.

Moreover, Grand Traverse Distillery is dedicated to reducing water wastage by implementing water recycling systems. By repurposing byproducts of the distillation process, such as spent grains and wastewater, they minimize waste and further demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Appalachian Gap Distillery

Appalachian Gap Distillery, a Vermont-based craft distillery, stands as a testament to the marriage of craftsmanship and sustainability. Their commitment to eco-friendly practices is deeply woven into their production processes.

One of the notable sustainable practices at Appalachian Gap Distillery is their dedication to using locally-sourced ingredients. This approach not only supports the regional agricultural community but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Additionally, this distillery proudly shares their commitment to minimizing waste by repurposing spent grains as animal feed, demonstrating a responsible approach to byproduct management.

Appalachian Gap Distillery’s emphasis on the environment is also reflected in their choice of energy sources. They are known for employing solar and wind power, and other green energy alternatives, significantly reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and lowering their greenhouse gas emissions. 

Read More: Sustainability – AppGap Distillery (

And Many More Sustainable Distilleries:

There are far too many to list in one blog! And that’s a fantastic thing! Here is a list (certainly not exhaustive) of several other sustainable distilleries you can support.

  1. Bozeman Spirits Distillery [website]
  2. Catoctin Creek Distilling Co. [website]
  3. Five & 20 Spirits [website]
  4. Marble Distilling Co. [website]
  5. Prairie Organic Spirits [website]
  6. Copper Crow Distillery [website]
  7. Square One Organic Spirits [website]
  8. Tamworth Distillery [website]
  9. Journeyman Distillery [website]
  10. Copper & Kings [website]
  11. Far North Spirits [website]
  12. And so many more!

Find Local, Craft, and Sustainable Distilleries at Distillery Nearby

At Distillery Nearby, we’re dedicated to connecting you with sustainable distilleries. Whether you’re seeking the finest craft spirits or an eco-conscious enthusiast in search of sustainable brands, our platform empowers you to make informed choices. 

So, go ahead and browse your area’s local listings today at Distillery Nearby. 

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