California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild

California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild

California has long been a hub of innovation and creativity, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the state’s thriving craft spirits industry.

With a deep history in winemaking and a diverse array of agricultural products at their disposal, California’s distillers are using their ingenuity and passion to create some of the most exciting and innovative spirits in the world.

At the forefront of this movement is the California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild, a non-profit organization that is working to promote and protect the interests of the state’s independent distillers.

From small-batch whiskies to artisanal gins, California’s distillers are crafting some of the finest spirits in the world, and the Artisanal Distillers Guild is helping to ensure that this vibrant industry continues to grow and thrive.

Who Are the California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild?

The California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of independent craft distillers in the state of California.

The guild was founded in 2011 by a group of distillers who recognized the need for a unified voice in advocating for their industry. Since then, the guild has grown to include over 40 member distilleries, representing a wide variety of spirits, including whiskey, gin, brandy, rum, and vodka.

Where Is The California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild Located?

The guild is headquartered in El Dorado Hills in California, though they act as a voice for distillers across the state.

What Does the California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild Do?

California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild

The guild’s mission is to promote and protect the interests of California’s independent craft distillers. They work to promote the industry through education and public outreach, while also advocating for policy changes that benefit craft distillers.

Some of the specific initiatives undertaken by the California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild include advocating for fair taxation and regulation of the industry, promoting responsible consumption of spirits, and supporting sustainable practices in the production of spirits.

They also organize events to showcase the products of their members, helping to raise awareness and increase demand for craft spirits in California and beyond, as well as meetings where interested parties can meet other distillers, learn about the suppliers for the guild, and network with the board of directors.

State Fees

In California, distillers are required to obtain a license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to legally produce and sell alcohol. The fees for this license vary depending on the type of license and the amount of alcohol that will be produced. Distillers may also be subject to other fees and taxes at the state and local levels.

Licensing Requirements

As mentioned, distillers are required to obtain a license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control before they can produce and sell alcohol in California. There are several types of licenses available, depending on the type of alcohol being produced and the intended sales channels.

To apply for a distillery license in California, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be at least 21 years of age.
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien.
  • You must not have been convicted of a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude.
  • You must have a location for your distillery that meets all zoning and building code requirements.
  • You must submit an application and pay the required fees.

In addition to the above requirements, there may be additional requirements depending on the specific type of license you are applying for.

Distillery Restrictions/Laws

The California Craft Distillers Guild advocates for distillers in California, where the restrictions and laws towards distilleries are as follows:

Production Limits

California law limits the amount of distilled spirits that a small distillery can produce each year. As of 2021, the annual production limit for a Type 74 Craft Distiller license is 100,000 gallons of distilled spirits per year.

Sales Restrictions

Distilleries in California are generally not allowed to sell directly to consumers, except for on-site sales, tastings, and tours. However, there are some exceptions, such as for distilleries that produce brandy, which are allowed to sell directly to consumers.

Distribution and Wholesale

Distilleries must work with a licensed wholesaler or distributor to sell their products to retailers and restaurants. They may also sell their products through the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control directly to licensed retailers.


Distilleries must comply with federal and state labeling requirements, which dictate what information must be included on the label of the bottle, such as the name of the product, the alcohol content, and the producer’s information.

Zoning and Building Codes

In California, distilleries must comply with all local zoning and building codes, which may limit where a distillery can be located and what type of building it can be housed in.

Final Thoughts

The California Distillers Artisanal Distillers Guild serves as a valuable resource for artisanal distillers in California. The guild provides a platform for members to connect, network, and learn from each other, while also advocating for policies that support the growth and success of the craft distilling industry in the state.

Through its advocacy efforts, the guild has played an important role in shaping policies related to licensing requirements, distillery restrictions and laws, and other issues that are relevant to the industry.

By working closely with state and local officials, the guild has helped to promote a more favorable regulatory environment for distillers in California.

For artisanal distillers in California, the California Craft Distillers Guild can be the perfect organization to join when it comes to navigating the complex regulatory landscape of the industry.

With its wealth of knowledge and experience, the guild is well-positioned to help its members succeed and thrive in the competitive world of craft distilling.

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