How Many Carbs in Gin?

How Many Carbs In Gin?

When we think of dieting, we often think of deprivation. We’re often told that to diet effectively, we need to cut out ALL the things we enjoy, but honestly, it’s not true.

Sure, you may need to eat and drink your favorite sugary, carb-loaded snacks in moderation, but there’s no need to eliminate them entirely. The same can be said for alcohol.

If you’re partial to a shot of gin, we have good news: you’re already drinking one of the most diet-friendly alcoholic beverages out there! With no carbs and a limited number of calories, gin is the ideal drink for dieters – if you drink it correctly

What Is Gin?

Gin is a popular distilled alcoholic drink that’s made from grains like wheat and barley, and infused with botanicals such as juniper berries.

Other botanicals can also be found in gin, including citrus peel and coriander seeds, however, juniper berries must be the dominant flavor for the beverage to be considered gin.

You’ll rarely find gin with an alcohol content below 37.5%, and gin is usually enjoyed with a mixer, usually tonic water or lemonade.

There are many different types of gin to choose from, including:

London Dry Gin

Botanicals are added during the distillation process, and only water and a small amount of sweetener can be added post-distillation.

Plymouth Gin

This gin is often sweeter than London gin, and it has a sharper focus on additional flavors like licorice.

Old Tom Gin

This gin is often the sweetest, and it was most popular during the 18th century. Old Tom Gin is slowly coming back in fashion, with many enjoying the sweeter edge it can bring to traditional cocktails.

What Does Gin Taste Like?

Gin is often described as spicy, fruity, sharp, and even hot. It usually has a strong aroma and a dominant citrus flavor, and in some cases, it may even have undertones of pine.

Its citrusy and earthy flavors come from the infamous juniper berry, but it may be overbearing for some drinkers.

If you want to dilute the taste of gin, pair it with a delicately flavored mixer like lime, tonic water, lemonade, elderflower, or even ginger ale.

How Many Carbs Are in Gin?

Gin contains no carbs – yes really! Gin is a popular option for people on low-carb diets, and when drunk pure (or with other low or no-carb mixers), it’s the perfect alcoholic beverage to enjoy on almost any diet.

Although pure gin has no carbs, gin with additional ingredients such as flavorings can contain between 1-2g of carbohydrates per serving.

The same goes for any cocktail made with gin – any extra ingredient, including our beloved tonic water, risks increasing your carb content to as much as 8g. So, if you’re looking for the most effective and carb-free way to enjoy gin, it’s probably best to drink it pure.

Gin Calorie And Nutritional Values

Gin has zero carbs, but what else is lurking in its nutritional profile? Here’s what else you can expect to find in approximately one shot (42g) of 40% alcohol gin:

  • 14g Alcohol
  • 0g Protein
  • 0g Sugar
  • 0g Fiber
  • 0g Carbohydrate
  • 0.42mg Sodium
  • 0g Fat
  • 97 Calories

Because gin has no carbs, it also has a glycemic index (GI) of zero. Although there are some trace minerals in gin (such as potassium and iron), they’re not found in substantial amounts, so no, you won’t gain any nutrients when you drink it.

Does Gin Have Health Benefits?

Gin may be easy on the waistline, but it also has a few impressive potential health benefits, including:

How Many Carbs in Gin?

Superfood Ingredients

Juniper berries (the main ingredients in gin) are actually a superfood! The juniper berry boasts many flavonoids and essential oils which can help tackle inflammation, work as a natural antiseptic, improve skin conditions, and reduce oxidative stress.

While drinking gin is NOT as effective as eating pure juniper berries, you may get a little dose of goodness with each serving.

Decreased Risk Of Heart Disease

When drunk in light to moderate amounts, gin (and other alcoholic drinks) may reduce your risk of heart disease.

However, excessive drinking can increase your risk, and potentially raise your blood pressure, increase the risk of heart failure, ischemic strokes, and more. Balance is key. Talk to your doctor for more information.

May Improve Bone Health: It isn’t just calcium that’s good for bone health – the main ingredients in gin have been used for the treatment of chronic pain and inflammation.

Gin-soaked raisins are one natural remedy that’s been used for decades to treat mild to moderate joint pain, especially arthritis.

Remember: Moderation is key, and not all of these health benefits have been proven.
Is Gin Good For the Keto Diet (see also ‘Is Tequila Keto?‘)?

The keto diet comprises of 70-75% fat, and 5-10% carbs. This low-carb, high-fat diet encourages the body to use ketone bodies produced by the liver to fuel the body, and burn fat.

Gin is a keto-friendly alcohol drink, along with other pure alcoholic beverages including rum, tequila, vodka, and whiskey, which are also completely devoid of carbohydrates.

For your gin to be considered keto-friendly, it must contain zero carbohydrates. Flavored gin can contain more than enough carbohydrates to push you over your daily limit, so choose your gin carefully.

The Best Ways To Drink Gin (On A Diet)

Whether you’re going keto or trying another diet to trim down your waistline, you’ll want to enjoy gin in the most low-cal, low-carb ways possible. Here are the most diet-friendly ways that you can enjoy drinking gin:

  • Drink it pure or as a shot
  • Flavor it with pure lime juice
  • Add in a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • Muddle with fresh mint leaves

Final Thoughts

If you’re dieting, there’s no need to throw out the gin: in fact, it may be one of the best alcoholic drinks to enjoy while you’re watching your waistline! With no carbs and low calories, gin is the ideal, guilt-free alcoholic drink to indulge in, whatever your diet.

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