Arkansas Distilleries

Arkansas, The Natural State, may not have as many distilleries as some other states, but each one is a unique experience that you don’t want to miss. Here at Distillery Nearby, our goal is to locate Arkansas distilleries and help you find them! This way, you can determine which distilleries you want to visit when you start your tours in Arkansas.

Unfortunately, if you look at our map view, you’ll find that Arkansas Distilleries are quite spread out throughout the state. This will make it a bit more difficult to set up efficient tours, but it’s not impossible to break it up over time. You may find it less stressful to investigate local, pre-arranged distillery tours and see if there are planned routes already.

There is a single distillery in Little Rock, where you’ll find the state’s largest airport, making it a less-than-ideal place to fly into if you’re coming into the state just for Arkansas distilleries. However, if you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, you could spend the day in Little Rock at Rock Town Distillery, then drive an hour southwest to Hot Springs where there are two distilleries - Crystal Ridge Distillery and Hot Springs Distilling.

The other Arkansas distilleries are over an hour northeast of Little Rock in Newport, east to the Mississippi border in Helena, and north of Fayetteville near the Missouri border – and there is an airport in Fayetteville. This makes Fayetteville a good spot to fly into for a two or three-distillery tour – if you’re willing to make the two-hour drive from Eureka Springs to Gassville.

Given the geography, visiting all of the Arkansas distilleries might be a bit challenging. Regardless of how you choose to split up your trips, all of these distilleries and their hometowns are well worth visiting.

Arkansas Liquor Laws & Regulations

Arkansas Distillers Guild

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