Women Of The Vine And Spirits

Are you a woman working in the alcohol industry? Then you seriously need to check out Women of the Vine and Spirits (WOTVS). It is an all-encompassing global membership organization that strives for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive era in the industry.

Becoming part of the organization can really do wonders. The organization hopes to achieve these aims through relevant and courageous conversations as well as year-round educational programs which focus directly on diversity, equity, and inclusion. (More on this later in the article!)

The founders of the organization believe that these objectives are essential from both an ethical and moral standpoint, but also from a business perspective.

If you’d like to learn a little more about this organization, keep reading.

Key Initiatives

The organization is overtly committed to pushing the wine, beer, and spirit industry into a more inclusive space where businesses owned by women can thrive.

There are several ways that they go about this in terms of their key initiatives. Let’s take a look at the major 6 initiatives outlined below.

1. Women Raising The Bar Study

The organization had recently collaborated with Deloitte LLP to create the very first-ever industry-specific baseline report detailing diversity equity and inclusion.

The essential purpose of this report was to support companies in their evaluations of workplace diversity and to teach them to hold themselves accountable for ensuring inclusivity.

2. Industry-Wide Resource Center

Sexual harassment, abuse, sexual accusations, and toxic behavior in the workplace seem as prevalent as ever in the alcoholic beverage industry.

This is why WOTVS has teamed up with Pernod-Ricard North America ad Corby Spirit & Wine, and CARE Impact Partners to create customized Industry-Wide Guidelines concerning sexual harassment, abuse, gender-based violence, and exploitation specifically for the industry.

3. WOTVS C-Suite

Women are undoubtedly just as innovative and forward-thinking in this industry as men, but it still continues to be very heavily male-dominated.

And increased visibility of the female trailblazers and leaders should never be underestimated. It allows others to see that there is an opportunity for them.

That is why the WOTVS C-Suite Database highlights all of the legacies women are making in the alcohol business. It highlights those in Chief roles as well as senior leadership positions.

4. Certified Women Owned

WOTVS aims to create a movement that will allow for increased support for female-owned businesses within the alcohol industry.

Its goal is to raise awareness for where, when, and how to purchase products and services provided by women in the industry.

How? Through the use of the Certified Women Owned Logo. This means that wholesalers and buyers will be able to easily identify products that are produced by the underrepresented group in the industry. This can be a real game changer for business owners.

5. Pledge Of Commitment

This pledge of commitment is a demonstration to teams, colleagues, and the industry as a whole that we as a whole, and you as a business, are committed to creating a respectful workplace that is free from harassment.

Workplace harassment can come in many forms such as sexual or physical, bullying, shaming, threatening behavior, derogatory comments, microaggressions, and much more. This pledge for a harassment-free dedicated workplace has seen over 1000 pledges from supporters all across the world.

6. Foundation Assistance Program

WOTSV has also created a groundbreaking assistance program that offers health, financial and legal aid to a variety of restaurant and hospitality workers.

Individuals that have been employed within these types of roles for a minimum of three years plus can receive benefits such as counseling, crisis intervention, legal and financial consultation, and work-life assistance.

And as the push for more mental health resources prevails, this initiative could not be more imperative.


The Women of the Vine and Spirits organization holds several different types of events throughout the year. Typically, these events are confirmed anywhere between 30-60 days in advance. If you’d like to take advantage of any of these super interesting and informative events, you can find the schedule here.

Event categories include:

  • Business Development & Innovation
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Education
  • External Event
  • Master Class
  • Mentorship: C-Suite Insights
  • Networking
  • Personal Development
  • Professional Development
  • WSET

WOTVS WSET Online Qualifications

Women of the Vine and Spirits have also collaborated with the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) to offer a selection of online courses and exams for both level one and 2 awards in both wines or spirits.

These courses and qualifications allow novices, enthusiasts, and established professionals alike to learn more about the business and industry.

There really is a lot to learn from these courses and they are available for those who live in the US (both men and women) regardless of whether you are a member of the foundation or not. So they’re definitely worth checking out.

Learn more about these courses here.

Corporate Membership

If you’ve found the information on this organization to fit your goals and beliefs as a business owner, then I would definitely recommend signing up for a corporate membership.

Doing so has a whole host of benefits, but most importantly it signals to your employees and your potential employees that your business supports the inclusivity and diversity of all kinds of talent.

It highlights the morality of your business and how you see the industry as a whole.

Final Thoughts

Discrimination, harassment, and exclusivism have no place in the workplace. However, sadly, in many industries, this does remain the case. And this is especially true in male-dominated businesses such as the alcoholic beverage industry.

This is why the Women of the Vine and Spirits organization was formed, to combat these issues and find a place in the industry for the equally qualified and trailblazing women who want to showcase their talents.

There is no denying that the organization has changed the industry as we know it. Their initiatives come from the heart and help thousands of people across the globe.

Photos and logo from Women of the Vine & Spirits Media Kit

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